Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Esophageal Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Head & Neck Cancer, Lung Cancer, Urothelial Cancer

The Pathologist and the Oncologist Working Together on PD-L1 to Improve Patient Treatment

The Agilent Precision Pathology Insights webinar series brings leading pathology experts directly to your computer to discuss topics in the evolving world of PD-L1 staining. This webinar is presented by Dr. José Ramirez (Consultant Pathologist) and Dr. Noemí Reguart Aransay (Consultant Oncologist). Recorded on 11 December 2019. 


Dr. José Ramirez and Dr. Noemí Reguart Aransay cover the following key topics: ​

  • Experience and perspective from two leaders within their respective disciplines​
  • Expert tips on coordinating workflow – ways to ease collaboration and improve patient treatment​
  • Real-World examples of the advantages and challenges of collaborating on PD-L1​

José Ramirez, MD

Consultant Pathologist​, Professor of Pathology​, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, University of Barcelona, Spain

Noemí Reguart Aransay, MD, PhD

Consultant Oncologist​, Department of Medical Oncology, Hospital Clinica of Barcelona, Spain​

Related Training

This website addresses general principles for CDx scoring and is for education purposes only. Not all cancer indications mentioned are approved worldwide. Please refer to local Instructions for Use for further details.​D0113750_1.00